Friday, June 11, 2010

What to do, what to do...

Name: Rebekah Grace Marcum
education status: Graduated from High school 2010.
Job:...working on that one.
Plans: NO CLUE!!!

So, I have just graduated from high school. I am trying to find a good job that my perents I am searching, trying to figure out what I want to do. I don't know! I could go to college, but I don't really think thats what I am supposed to do, even though everyone else thinks thats the only way.
It was getting discouraging, every time someone would ask me what I was going to do, or what college I was planning to attend, all I could say was, "I don't know." That never got a good response from the other person.

I started to get a little depressed. "My life is pointless!" I thought. Through the past couple of weeks I started just really talking to God, asking him questions, talking to my parents and people who have influencedmy life. I decided to make a comittment to God that I would trust him in all areas of my life. I know that he has great things in store for me and I can't wait to find out what he will do with me! The main hig is just for me to remember that he IS in control and I don't need to worry!

So I decide to Trust God, in every situation, in every joy and in every pain. I will Trust him and praise him.


  1. I'm right there with you Beka! I know how awkard it is to have to say you have no idea what is ahead after High School. You this blank-ish look. Trusting God is really the only option.

    Thanks for you encouraging blog post! I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Beka,

    I totally agree with you, everyone's question is WHAT ARE YOU DOING, or WHAT WILL YOU DO. It's so annoying because like you, I have no clue what I will do! Lately, I have been struggling with this exact thing. What does my future hold?

    People aren't content with the fact that I might stay at home till I'm 25 or never go to college. They want the down pat answer of "I'll be moving out of the house and going to college in the fall, get my degree in so and so and then get a job...." yeah. Maybe God is just wanting us to rest in the fact that we don't know our future, but we know who holds the future.

    ~Kim Krause

  3. Well I do hope I do something awesome. ;) i don't want to lead a boring life in the least! I just want whatever God wants for me, which is going to be AWESOME!!I want to do something more amazing than just college. ;) i mean, thats just so typical.

    And thanks for the comments ya'll! <3

  4. Beka,

    I think God has something exciting and awesome planned for us all. I can't wait to see how our lives play out. :)

    "Always in pray, with all pray and supplication"

    Kim Krause

  5. Beka thanks for sharing with us! You are a special person that is going to walk the special path that God has just for you!

    Love you and see you in 3 days!!

    Your Slinky----
    Matt. 6:33
