Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well Byron, I went to Canada.

Helooooo Candada!!!

Can you see the awesome rainbow!?

On the American Side of the Falls

Caroline and me on the Canadian side.


Hitch hiking time.. ;)
Hard Rock Cafe! There was one right across the American border and right across the Canadian border :P
Niagara Falls at night = Gorgeous.

So massive!

That was my last trip! ;( I have had such a fun 10 days!!!! :)


  1. Glad you had such a wonderful time! I bet you are worn out now that you are home.

  2. Wow Beka!!! I'm so glad you were able to visit Pippi! I know you two peeps had loads of fun and interesting adventures in those 10 days. The falls are oh so beautiful!! Isn't it amazing to be reminded of GOD's power and majesty?

    I certainly can't wait to see ya in less than a month!!!

    Love and hugs,

    Slinky--- Matt. 6:33

  3. haahaa.. I think of I was in any of those pics my head would have been cut off!! good thing you two are both the same cute size=)

  4. who said the first comment?.. :)
    Thanks Slink! Can't wait to see you!!!

  5. hahahah i like ur last comment slinks. yesss ur head wouldve been chopped off =P hehehe come seeeeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
